Happy new year! We had a very exciting and busy 2014 - we held 15 performances throughout the year, here are some of our highlights:

140212 BHC @ Darwin Day Lecture c

Singing at the Institute of Education Darwin Day Lecture given by Prof. Alice Roberts.


140510 BHC @ Sangerstevne b

Singing in Sangerstevne international choral festival in west London.

140621 BHC One Life bc - Choir

Hosting our own One Life variety show with Simon Singh, Lucy Porter, Stu Richards and Andrew Copson.







Performing with our sister choir, the Greater Manchester Humanist Choir, at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford at the World Humanist Congress with delegates from around the world. We listened to a wonderful talk by Philip Pullman.

140429 BHC @ Cosy Kettle a

We also had lots of fun at our first sing-a-long of the year; music, candlelight, booze - what's not to like?









140726 BHC @ Stew & Kate's Wedding g

Attending the wedding of one of our singers, the Groom, and performing with him during the ceremony.






Our new term starts on Tuesday 6 January. Join us at 6.45pm for registration. then we start our vocal warm-ups at 7pm. We sing until 9pm with a small break in the middle and then some of us slope off to a nearby pub for a pint or two.

For more information about joining us please take a look here.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Choir!