We have just premiered the beautiful piece, From So Simple by Ian Assersohn at the Darwin Day Lecture, given by Eugenie Scott and chaired by Richard Dawkins on 12 February.

150212 BHC @ Darwin Day bThe words are taken from Darwin's Origin of Species; "...from so simple a beginning endless forms, most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved...."

150212 BHC @ Darwin Day hOur new term starts on Tuesday 24 February and we are open to new members on the 24th February and 3 March only. We'll be working towards a number of performances including the CoExist Interfaith Festival at SOAS, Dulwich Festival of Choirs and our own One Life Summer show. For more information on how to join us, click here.

If you can't be with us in person, but enjoy the Choir making and sharing non-religious music and promoting humanism, please take a look here at the ways in which you can support us.